About Samar Law

Business information:

 Samar Law Advokatanpartsselskab
Gammel Kongevej 120, 1. tv
DK-1850 Frederiksberg

CVR-no. 40431020

Mobile: +45 6079 3777

E-mail: payam@samarlaw.dk

Samar Law is incorporated as a Danish limited liability company (anpartsselskab).

Samar law is appointed by the Danish Ministry of Justice and is a part of the Danish Bar and Law Society.

Samar Law is insured with Dahlberg Assurance Agentur policy number 310-020151.

Samar Law’s insurance covers all legal activities carried out by Samar Law.

Samar Law’s services are covered by our general terms and conditions.


Samar Law has a client bank account in Danske Bank with the following account information:

Account number: 3411588688
Registration number: 3409
IBAN account number: DK7830003411588688


The lawyers at Samar Law are covered by the Danish Bar and Law Society’s supervisory and disciplinary system and by the rules of good practice, cf. Article 126 of the Procedural Law (retsplejeloven) and by the Code of Conduct for the Danish Bar and Law Society (de advokatetiske regler).

In the event of a dispute over fees or the conduct of Samar Law’s attorneys, the complainant may bring a complaint to the Disciplinary Board (Advokatnævnet), Kronprinsessegade 28, 1306 Copenhagen.